Creating opportunities to enjoy sport and physical activity, especially for underrepresented groups.

Using sport for change.

We are passionate about creating opportunities to enjoy sport and physical activity, especially for underrepresented groups. We want to be a part of improving the health and wellbeing of the communities that we work in and will invest our energy and efforts in to areas that are most in need, using Tag Rugby as our vehicle to change.

Women’s Coaching

Participation Coaching: Aimed at complete beginners, this course will introduce participants to the sport of Tag Rugby and help develop their basic skills and knowledge of the sport.

Development Coaching: This course is aimed at players that have played at least one full season of Tag who are looking to improve their game and build on the knowledge that they have gained from participating in league matches.

Coaching for Ethnically Diverse Groups

We are working on a project to increase the number of opportunities for ethnically diverse groups in tag! Want to know how you can be inolved?

Tag Rugby Coach Development

Coming soon.

Tag Sports in Schools

National Curriculum Tag Rugby Lessons - Delivered over the course of a term with the option of being used to cover PPA or to delivered alongside class teacher (includes lunch or break time activities to encourage activity during these periods).

After school Tag Rugby clubs - Extracurricular activities based on Tag Rugby designed to encourage living a healthy and active lifestyle.

Teacher CPD - Sessions that can be delivered on staff development days to up-skill teachers and encourage the delivery of Tag Rugby in Physical Education.

Upcoming events


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
